>>>> "Rajko M." <rmatov101@charter.net> 12/11/2011 6:51 PM >>>
>Few days ago I had on IRC angry wiki editor that was automatically logged out
>of the wiki due to inactivity and lost content he worked on. He claimed it was
>not more them 30 minutes of editing. I didn't timed session inactivity
>timeout, but it is somewhat short and can surprise people using edit box in a
>browser, as previous setup allowed much more time.
>He suppose to file bug report, but today I couldn't find any for openSUSE -
>opensuse.org - Wiki.
>Matt can you look at this.
Hmmm, I forgot to update the session timeout.  The default setting was for one hour.  However, there is a "soft" timeout that is set to 2/3 of the actual timeout setting.  This would cause a redirect back to the IDP after 40 minutes, pretty close to what the wiki editor claimed.
I have upped the timeout value to 6 hours, which will cause this "soft" timeout after 4 hours of inactivity.  I believe this is pretty close to what we had before.  I am going to test this tonight, but the problem should be fixed now.