Matthew Ehle
Web Engineer
Novell IS&T
Mobile Phone: (801) 319-1702
Office Phone: (801) 861-3197
>>> Lisufas Linuxfreundeonline <> 4/2/2012 5:44 AM >>>
>Am Montag, 2. April 2012, 13:37:36 schrieb Christian Boltz:
>> Hello,
>> the wiki search is still broken (since some days) :-( - at least in
>> and, but I'm afraid it could affect all
>> wikis.
>> Can you please fix it?
>+1 urgent!
>Not only that, it is also the server on which the counter (de wiki) is 12.1
>offline? Basically, what the wiki not ok. Last flew in a few minutes is in the
>offline mode while editing posts. I thought that this bug was .... at least
>did not happen anymore.
Sorry, I was in the mountains for a few days :)
It looks like the search server was restarted without my knowledge, so the search daemon was not running. The indexer was having a few issues as well. It's all running now, and I will look into creating a init script for it, so that it will start along with the system.