Wow, very, very, very nice. Way to go!

Now, one question - will it be possible to have the same search, but instead of searching google, it uses duckduckgo?

Nenad Latinović

On 09.02.2015 18:07, Cynthia Sanchez wrote:

On 06/02/15 14:30, Henne Vogelsang wrote:
As most often, simple lack of time on our part. We managed to keep this alive for a couple of days after hackweek but then the day-in-day-out stuff took over our schedules :-/ In them meantime Cynthia (in CC) agreed to try to pick it up. Dunno what her status is currently. Cynthia?
Richard had a very good idea: The users coming from OpenSUSE installed in the machine will see this page as home page in Firefox:  (give it some time to load, github pages are quite slow)
Zvezdana will work on a new design every 1 or 2 months and eventually we will create some javascript animations or small games if possible.

This is awaiting for the last confirmation but done for a first implementation. Zvezdana might work on the animation a bit more once it its approved.
It just lacks some links and a font. Which could easily be fixed ( ).
Regarding the landing page designed by Manuele, we need to wait a bit longer because Ken and Myself will request changes in the UI, enhancements mostly, and for that we will need to wait at least 1 month because Manuele just arrived from holidays but today Ken left, and the 18th I leave, we need to be all together again to work on the final details. It's a bit of a complicated month, but everything will be done with a good final quality.
Nice, especially the quotes. How about you contribute those back to the original repo, just open a pull-request! :-) Henne
Cynthia Sanchez.
UI/UX developer.
SUSE Linux GmbH.
Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409, Nürnberg