Hey Joshua,

I saw you sent a PR, it is much appreciated! We'll go over it and comment there. 

Thank you :)

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 8:03 PM, Joshua D. Drake <jd@commandprompt.com> wrote:
On 12/09/2016 01:01 PM, Stella Rouzi (differentreality) wrote:
Hi Joshua,

it's great to hear that you are considering it for PgConf :)

I think we had a request about postgresql in the past. Did you stumble
upon any code that needed to be amended? And what about the migration
during the setup? Did that go smoothly as well? We would love to receive
a PR.

Please do share more of your experience! You can find us here on the ML,
on IRC freenode server #osem and of course github.

This is the list of things we had to change to make the system work with postgresql:

1 fix database migrations to use the correct _boolean_ type of default values for boolean columns (0 -> false) commit c7cc8f8f34090baa1641013af8c3c6aa168052e9

2 conditionally use the add_monetize column instead of add_money for the ticket price DB migration; commit 06d8f6d3685e60042fa06458626e5e69c87d66aa

3 add missing columns to the ActiveRecord DB query so Postgres does not complain about the missing columns in GROUP By statements; commit 02cdf05b5d77d7878681029e5c9ba491e27f0908

4 add .count(:all) ActiveRecord call to force inclusion of the "count_all" column in query result set in queries which referred to this column (this happens automatically for other DBs, but not for Postgres); commit 02cdf05b5d77d7878681029e5c9ba491e27f0908

5 add UUID monkey patch to solve this ActiveUUID issue https://github.com/jashmenn/activeuuid/issues/74; commit a799ea7ca9cbf53eb6058bf636cf289694d16572

6 add PG database driver gem into the project's Gemfile; commit 78824559136b2c8424a44cae1a9d084ada8b212c

7 add updated schema.rb to the project source tree; commit 8903d88ef9cce38c50443d20008fad76ec65968b

8 fix the column types for ahoy_events.visit_id to use INTEGER instead of BINARY(16), so it matches with the FK type on the visits table (this has nothing to do with Postgres, just a bug I've spotted in the process); commit 5e7d5d60d838e28b4e731568ff43349338849a46

All changes were done to the master branch of the original OSEM.io source tree.


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