>>>> Christian Boltz <opensuse@cboltz.de> 7/18/2012 5:13 AM >>>
>@Matthew: can you please check if there's something wrong with the
>is delivered gzip-compressed - but it seems the HTTP response header
>does not state that.
>The result is that Firefox only sees binary crap (gzip'ed CSS) instead
>of the content of MediaWiki:Common.css :-(
>(Funnily Konqueror (webkit mode) seems to auto-detect the encoding and
>can use the CSS delivered via load.php.)
>Note: Testing with "telnet en.opensuse.org 80" without "Accept-Encoding    
>gzip, deflate" is pointless for obvious reasons ;-)
This appears to be a bug in the MW software.  Please see https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25667.  I'm looking for a workaround.  Apache itself should be fine, as it would be using the default compression settings.