>Am Freitag, 11. Januar 2013 schrieb Scott Weber:
>> >>> Christian Boltz <opensuse@cboltz.de> 1/11/2013 11:12 AM >>>
>> >Am Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013 schrieb Scott Weber:
>> >> We've gone through and re-upgraded the stage site to 1.19.3 and all
>> >> the changes are now in the mw_upgrade_1.19 branch.  The site is
>> >> functioning on stage, and we have created a stage test user that
>> >> can
>> >> be used to test the functionality of the upgrade.  If all testing
>> >> goes according to plan, then we will plan on upgrading production
>> >> to
>> >> 1.19.3 on Monday, 01/21/2013.  This gives us a week of testing.
>Hmmm... - looks like you didn't put a reminder in your calendar - en.o.o
>is still running 1.17 ;-)
>You might have noticed that I pushed a small change to integrate
>print.css also in the bentofluid theme (not sure if you deployed it to
>enstage already).
>Unfortunately I can't test it at the moment - enstage.o.o says
>    (Can't contact the database server: Access denied for user
>    'wikistage'@'novprvlin0294.provo.novell.com' (using password: YES)
>    (milo.provo.novell.com:3307))
>Assuming this is just a temporary problem, and not seeing any serious
>bugreports about enstage.o.o - can you please check that my change
>didn't break anything and then upgrade the production wikis?
On Monday, we lost the entire stage database server.  Two drives went out at
the same time.  We are working with the DBAs on a new stage database.  In the
case of the openSUSE wikis, we'll probably just copy down the production data,
so we will have nice new data to work with in stage.
>Note: Please keep the 12.3 release schedule in mind (the release is
>planned for Mar 13), which means: do the upgrade now or wait until some
>days after the release.
Due to the above, we will probably wait until the release is out.
Thank you,