We've gone through and re-upgraded the stage site to 1.19.3 and all the changes are now in the mw_upgrade_1.19 branch.  The site is functioning on stage, and we have created a stage test user that can be used to test the functionality of the upgrade.  If all testing goes according to plan, then we will plan on upgrading production to 1.19.3 on Monday, 01/21/2013.  This gives us a week of testing.
Unfortunately, we will be limited to MW 1.19 as the hardware and backup process currently used does not support SLES 11 SP2 and therefore, does not support PHP 5.3+.  We do have a tentative plan to fix this issue come March.  So at that point we can look at potentially upgrading further to 1.20.
If you have any further questions please let me know.
Scott Weber

>>> Christian Boltz <opensuse@cboltz.de> 1/9/2013 9:58 AM >>>

I didn't hear anything about the wiki upgrade since months.
Can you please give a status update? ;-)

To make things more interesting,
- the mw_upgrade_1.19 branch on github seems to contain 1.17 again :-/
  The history looks like 1.19 was never there, but I don't know git good
  enough to really know or find out what happened.
- in the meantime, MediaWiki 1.20.2 was released (requires PHP >= 5.3.2,
  but en.o.o has only 5.2.14 according to special:version)
- OTOH, the MediaWiki 1.19 branch will get "longterm support" [1]

So, the questions are:
- what happened to the mw_upgrade_1.19 branch on github?
- which version will we upgrade to - 1.19 or 1.20?
- is it possible to get a newer PHP on the server? (if not, this answers
  the previous question ;-)
- can you give a timeframe for the upgrade?

As a wild idea, I was also thinking about switching to OpenID login. The
advantage would be that we can probably use an existing extension from
upstream MediaWiki instead of having to maintain the AccessManager
extension ourself.
As I said, this is a wild idea - I don't know if it really makes sense
or if it would work at all ;-)


Christian Boltz

[1] from the MediaWiki 1.20 announcement mail:

| === Long Term Support ===
| We're working closely with Linux distributors to make sure that the
| MediaWiki bundled in Linux is something that we feel more comfortable
| supporting.  In this vein, MediaWiki 1.19 is being targeted for "long
| term support".  Since Debian (the Linux distribution with the longest
| release cycle) has a two year cycle between each freeze and we've
| gotten MediaWiki 1.19 into Wheezy, we'll support MW 1.19 for the next
| two years.  (Thank you especially to MediaWiki developer Platonides
| for his help in working with the Debian developers.)

> Hier hab ich gerade noch was gefunden, was ist denn bitte
> ein Dialerzwang?
Ein guter Grund zu einem anderen Provider zu wechseln.
[> Eric Scheen und Arvin Schnell in suse-linux]