>>>> Marguerite Su <i@marguerite.su> 10/18/2012 6:01 AM >>>
>On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Thomas Schmidt <tom@opensuse.org> wrote:
>> Hi, no it's not for SUSE staff only. It's not for being used with a browser
>> ;-)
>> See here how openid works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenID
>> There are client libraries for integrating this with your app.
>> Greetings
>Oh...thanks...I'll have a try with standard openid way....

I agree with Thomas that openid is probably the best way, as it's all ready to go for you.  However, just for the sake of putting all the options out there...
1- Using the Access Manager system as a proxy to your service, which can provide data by inserting additional headers into the request.  This is how the wikis, forums, and blogs are done today.  The advantages here are that the site would be available over SSL, and getting data out of the headers is very easy.  The main disadvantage is latency, unless you would like the site hosted on the same servers as www.opensuse.org (which comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages).
2- Using SAML or another federation protocol.  It doesn't provide much of an advantage over openid except that libraries, documentation, code samples, etc. are a little easier to find.  However, it is an option you can consider.