>>>> Jan Papež<honyczek-mailing@email.cz> 12/9/2011 6:12 AM >>>
>Dne Pá 2. prosince 2011 01:11:34, Matthew Ehle napsal(a):
>> 2) Roll back only the most affected wikis (cn, cs, ru, etc.) and restore the
>> database
>> 3) Leave all the wikis as they are, and keep trying to fix the
>> page titles
>> I'm inclined to do step number two, but I want to hear about any other
>> options or opinions from the individual admins before we try to roll things
>> back. If we can somehow get a list together of the garbled characters and
>> the real characters that are associated, I can even script a fix of some
>> type (making option number 3 more viable). If someone wants to take that
>> on for their particular wiki, they can see the affected pages by going to
>> /Special:AllPages and trying to compare.
>at this moment (in cs.opensuse.org) it looks that majority or all titles are
>ok, but i noticed that some category titles are broken:
>and eg. Navigation toolbar
>thows MediaWiki error.
>It looks, that MediaWiki errors are displayed, when page doesn't exist.
>It seems that existing pages with diacritic work. Eg.
>Huh, I found some error at Special pages - Category tree (Strom kategorií),
>when I tried to found Help category tree (Nápověda)
>It said:
>Database returned error „1267: Illegal mix of collations
>(latin1_bin,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
>I think, that Czech wiki can stay at new version, but we have to do something
>to repair broken links and categories...