>>>> Rajko <rmatov101@charter.net> 2/17/2013 7:44 PM >>>
>It seems that search is not updating with new pages?
>New page
https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Goals_13.1 does not appear in
>search results when asked for "13.1".
>I was logged in and openSUSE ns is in my personal search list.
>Page is older then a day.
>Created on 13:09, 16 February 2013.
>Last edit on 21:38, 17 February 2013.
>Last search was just after edit.
Thank you for reporting this. It seems that every several months, the indexes get into a bad state and need to be deleted and completely rebuilt. I have taken care of that this morning, and it shows up now (also, make sure that the openSUSE name space is check in the search options).