Frank sent me the new repository location.  I was concerned about conflicts, so I just did a fresh checkout, and www is running on it right now.  I also updated the cron so that the news section refreshes correctly. 
I also remembered hearing a concern last fall about Apache being able to serve files within the hidden svn directories.  That concern got pushed on the back burner since we were preparing to upgrade the wiki.  However, the checkout from the new repository reminded me of the issue, so I took the opportunity to fix it  by configuring Apache to return 404 Errors on any requests made to anything within the .svn directories.
Thank you Thomas for pointing out the SSI issue and Andreas for mentioning the cron job.  Hopefully, there should be no more surprises on what is required for the site :P
Matthew Ehle
Web Engineer
Novell SBU
Application Development & Maintenance
Office Phone: (801) 861-2722

>>> "Matthew Ehle" <mehle@novell.com> 1/26/2010 3:05 PM >>>
This most likely happened during the upgrade.  Because of the major changes involved, I rewrote the configuration from scratch.  I didn't know that the landing page used SSI, so I didn't include that directive when writing the configuration.  It should be enabled now.
As for the files, I am no longer able to run 'svn up'.  It appears that repository has moved or has some other issue.  Can someone direct me to its location, and I'll just run a full checkout from there?
Matthew Ehle
Web Engineer
Novell SBU
Application Development & Maintenance
Office Phone: (801) 861-2722

>>> Andreas Demmer <mail@andreas-demmer.de> 1/26/2010 2:34 PM >>>
Am Dienstag 26 Januar 2010 15:34:57 schrieb Thomas Schmidt:
> The described problems of news&events feed, sponsored by and broken
> language dropdown are probably caused by non-working 'SSI includes' of the
> webserver or missing files. Can I get access to this server to fix it?

Wow, this looks indeed like SSI stopped working! The site was programmed in a
way, that a WYSIWYG editor writes a statical  whats_hot.html file and a cron
job writes periodically a news.html file. Both statical files are included in
the main frontpage via server side include tags (SSI). Has someone touched the
server configuration that this stopped working?


Andreas Demmer

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