Matthew Ehle

Web Engineer



Mobile Phone: (801) 358-1655

>>> "Matthew Ehle" <> 11/29/2011 8:05 AM >>>
>>>> Adrian Schröter<> 11/29/2011 3:28 AM >>>
>>I noticed that I am not able to find the factory arm pages. Neither with
>>"factory arm" or just "arm" on
>>There is at least Portal:ARM and Portal is enabled by default.
>>could you have a look ?
>Portal:ARM is a recent page, so the indexer could very well be broken right now.  I'll check it out today.
As you suspected, the indexes were a pretty big mess.  I fixed the indexer files and configuration, ran the indexer, and confirmed that your specific issue is resolved.  Four of the wikis (cn, cs, is, and vi) still did not index properly, but they should be fixed soon.