I have no plan (yet) on how to create a channel overview other than a print screen.
However, I have now added the SLE15 client tools manually and now I can create the bootstrap repo without errors using mgr-create-bootstrap-repo --flush
For SLES12 SP5, however, this is not quite possible, I still get an error here:
ERROR: package 'python-gudev' not found
I added the SLES12 client tools but obviously something is still missing.
Can anyone come across the right repo for this?
Thanks for the support to everyone!
Can you share the structure of your channels for SLE15SP1?The Uyuni client tools should be a child of SLE15SP1 pool channel, as defined at https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni/blob/master/utils/spacewalk-common-channels.ini#L1003Is it your case?How did you add the client tools to SLE15SP1? You can add them manually with the URL pointed by Christian as a child channel of SLE15SP1, or you can use `spacewalk-common-channels`. Then using `--with-custom-channels` will do the trick.Reviewing the doc seems that it could be more clear, yes. For Uyuni users it should instruct them to use `spacewalk-common-channels` to add the client tools for all the supported operating systems. But as far I can see it doesn't really tell you that at https://www.uyuni-project.org/uyuni-docs/uyuni/client-configuration/registration-overview.html and at https://www.uyuni-project.org/uyuni-docs/uyuni/client-configuration/bootstrap-repository.html (which is linked) talks about the Setup Wizard, that you need to use to sync SLE15SP1, but the client tools must come from `spacewalk-common-channels`.Looks to me we need a bug for the doc.On lunes, 15 de junio de 2020 19:23:57 (CEST) Thomas Weis wrote:Julio,
thank´s for Your Answer!
I first installed OS Leap 15.1 and all updates. Then 2020.05 exactly
according to the documentation from uyuni-project.org. As a bloody newcomer
with 2020.05, we only had a working 4.02 before. The update to 2020.01
hadn't worked, probably my fault ... and that's why we installed 2020.05
from scratch. After the initial synchronization of our whole Suse
Subscriptions, we had the entries in the "Error generating bootstrap repo"
message center First for OES2018 SP2, then for SLE-15-SP1.
The command with which we wanted to create the bootstrap repository,
followed by the selection menu:
# mgr-create-bootstrap-repo --with-custom-channels
1. OES2018-SP2-x86_64
2. SLE-12-SP5-x86_64
3. SLE-15-SP1-x86_64
4. centos-7-x86_64-uyuni
5. centos-8-x86_64-uyuni
6. openSUSE-Leap-15.1-x86_64
7. openSUSE-Leap-15.1-x86_64-uyuni
Enter a number of a product label:
I choose 3, then followed by:
Pool started (with 5 workers)
Pool finished
ERROR: package 'hwdata' not found
ERROR: package 'python3-hwdata' not found
ERROR: package 'python3-rhnlib' not found
ERROR: package 'spacewalk-check' not found
ERROR: package 'spacewalk-client-setup' not found
ERROR: package 'spacewalk-client-tools' not found
ERROR: package 'python3-spacewalk-check' not found
ERROR: package 'python3-spacewalk-client-setup' not found
ERROR: package 'python3-spacewalk-client-tools' not found
ERROR: package 'python3-uyuni-common-libs' not found
ERROR: none of 'mgr-daemon', 'spacewalksd' found
ERROR: package 'suseRegisterInfo' not found
ERROR: package 'python3-suseRegisterInfo' not found
ERROR: package 'zypp-plugin-spacewalk' not found
ERROR: package 'python3-zypp-plugin-spacewalk' not found
mgr-create-bootstrap-repo uses the locally synchronized versions of files
from the Tools repository, and uses the locally synchronized pool channel
for dependency resolution.
Both should be fully synced before running the mgr-create-bootstrap-repo
Also the same from:
# mgr-create-bootstrap-repo --with-custom-channels
1. OES2018-SP2-x86_64
2. SLE-12-SP5-x86_64
3. SLE-15-SP1-x86_64
4. centos-7-x86_64-uyuni
5. centos-8-x86_64-uyuni
6. openSUSE-Leap-15.1-x86_64
7. openSUSE-Leap-15.1-x86_64-uyuni
Enter a number of a product label:
choose 1 (OES2018 SP2)
Directory walk started
Directory walk done - 83 packages
Temporary output repo path:
Preparing sqlite DBs
Pool started (with 5 workers)
Pool finished
ERROR: package 'python2-uyuni-common-libs' not found
ERROR: package 'python-singledispatch' not found
mgr-create-bootstrap-repo uses the locally synchronized versions of files
from the Tools repository, and uses the locally synchronized pool channel
for dependency resolution.
Both should be fully synced before running the mgr-create-bootstrap-repo
Sorry for my ignorance but I have no plan how to proceed outside of the
documentation ..
Thank you for your support!
Am 15.06.2020 um 17:04 schrieb Julio González Gil <jgonzalez@suse.com>:
If you are trying to use SLE15SP1, use the SLE15 repository as pointed by
Also please share the command you are using to create the bootstrap
repository, and maybe your channel structure for SLE15SP1.
I'd say the problem is that either you don't have the repository (and
channel) as a child of the SLE15SP1 channels, either you are not calling
the bootstrap creator script with `--with-custom-channels`.
On lunes, 15 de junio de 2020 16:20:33 (CEST) Thomas Weis wrote:
Hello Christian,
Thank you for your answer
local repo is available, but created with this URL:
le: /openSUSE_Leap_15-Uyuni-Client-Tools/openSUSE_Leap_15.0/
yes, SLES15 SP1 was fully synchronized
Am 15.06.2020 um 15:31 schrieb Pau Garcia Quiles <pau.garcia@suse.com>:
Has the SLE 15 SP1 product sync fully finished?
From: Cristian Gherman
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 10:37 AM
To: Uyunii list
Subject: Re: [uyuni-users] Fresh Install uyuni 2020.05 Error generating
bootstrap repo
You have a local repo of
ta> ble:/SLE15-Uyuni-Client-Tools/> ?
Cristian Gherman
Support / PHP developer
cristian.gherman@reea.net <mailto:cristian.gherman@reea.net>
<mailto:cristian.gherman@reea.net <mailto:cristian.gherman@reea.net>> |
www.reea.net <http://www.reea.net/> <http://www.reea.net/
<http://www.reea.net/>> | +4 0365410942>>>>
On 6/14/20 10:32 PM, Thomas Weis wrote:
Hello everyone
we are configuring a fresh installation of Uyuni 2020.05
After a successful reposync of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1
x86_64 we get an error message:
Type: Creating Bootstrap Repository failed
Summary: Error generating bootstrap repo for: SLE-15-SP1-x86_64
show details said:
ERROR: package 'hwdata' not found ERROR: package 'python3-hwdata' not
found ERROR: package 'python3-rhnlib' not found ERROR: package
'spacewalk-check' not found ERROR: package 'spacewalk-client-setup' not
found ERROR: package 'spacewalk-client-tools' not found ERROR: package
'python3-spacewalk-check' not found ERROR: package
'python3-spacewalk-client-setup' not found ERROR: package
'python3-spacewalk-client-tools' not found ERROR: package
'python3-uyuni-common-libs' not found ERROR: none of 'mgr-daemon',
'spacewalksd' found ERROR: package 'suseRegisterInfo' not found ERROR:
package 'python3-suseRegisterInfo' not found ERROR: package
'zypp-plugin-spacewalk' not found ERROR: package
'python3-zypp-plugin-spacewalk' not found
The installation was error-free, we proceeded exactly according to the
documentation. What is our mistake?
thanks for suggestions
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-- Julio González GilRelease Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyunijgonzalez@suse.com