Hi Tobias,
I had a very similar issue after upgrading to 2022.4, although that are now resolved. Ricardo and Musco were kind enough to help me with that.
In my example, looking through /var/log/rhn/rhn_taskomatic_daemon.log was enough to identify the specific issue, which was a bug introduced with that version relating to the database. It’s probably not that, but there should be more useful information than
simply “check null”.
You can also review and manually trigger this from the Uyuni webui; Admin -> Task Schedules: Click on mgr-update-reporting-bunch and you can see when it was run and its exit status. You can force a fresh run with the above, and if you’re watching the above
log it might simplify finding the error.
Good luck,
From: Crefeld, Tobias LKV Bayern e.V. <Tobias.Crefeld@lkv.bayern.de>
Sent: 27 July 2022 11:08
To: 'users@lists.uyuni-project.org' <users@lists.uyuni-project.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Subtask mgr-update-reporting failed.
recently I upgraded the Uyuni system from 2021.07 to 2022.06. Several tests were successful so I’m not sure if the current problems come from the update.
There are two issues:
“Taskomatic bunch mgr-update-reporting-bunch was scheduled to run within the update-reporting-default schedule.
Subtask mgr-update-reporting failed.
For more information check null.”
(Checking “null” wasn’t successful)
Any hints are welcome!
Tobias Crefeld.