Hi all ,


I have noticed that Uyuni will silently fail to get the package information from a salt-ssh registered client if it get for example a ssh ‘permission denied’.


As far as I can see, the only way to detect such failures is to check the taskomatic logs and look for those messages:


2020-09-11 05:07:02,597 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-13] WARN  com.suse.manager.webui.services.impl.SaltService - JsonParsingError({"_error":"Failed to return clean data","stderr":"root@my_server: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).\r\n","stdout":"","retcode":255,"id":"my_server","fun":"state.apply","jid":"20200911050701681150","_stamp":"2020-09-11T05:07:02.592894"}, No salt ssh return value, return code: 255)


My idea is then to monitor the state of the VMs by executing the command “salt-ssh  my_server test.ping", however I am unable to find the SSH private key files used by Uyuni.


Somebody has an idea about where it could be find ? Or perhaps a better way to monitor those failures ?




Philippe Bidault | Unix Engineer


M. 34617301667 | E. Philippe.Bidault@Getronics.com | W. www.getronics.com



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