RE: [SLE] next suse version, any rumors, any clues...

I've had moderate success using Eudora (version 5, I think?) with wine. It's been a while... I seem to remember that there were a few specific things that would not work correctly under Wine, but it defiantly seemed to be useable. Unfortunately, I don't remember what those those 'things' were... Not that this has anything to do with the next release of SuSE.... Sorry. I'd like to know that myself. I have a coworker who is going to be buying a copy of SuSE soon.... I hate buying a boxed version just to find out that a new version will be out in a few weeks... - Lowell -----Original Message----- From: Doug McGarrett [] Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 9:25 PM To: p_s; Subject: Re: [SLE] next suse version, any rumors, any clues... For sure, there will be a new issue around June or July. That's the way they do it. Then another around November, or so. I just wish that they'd put out the fires and produce a super-stable easy to use distro, with NO bugs. I like SuSE, I think it is just as stable as RedHat, it costs a lot less, and it favors KDE, rather than the ugly Gnome. But they always have to do something to the distro, and always break something. Unfortunately, none of the distros have Eudora, so here I sit on MSWIN doing this. --doug At 21:13 01/29/2003 +0200, p_s wrote:
I am currently running 8.0 pro on my both boxes and I have an itch to get newer version, but I am bit confused wiht current 8.1.. have hear lots of good and bad critisism about it.. Since it's already few months old, I wonder if someone has any knowledge about next version.. when might that be released etc.. what does it feature etc... propably KDE 3.1 :-) GTK 2.2 etc..
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On Friday 31 January 2003 1:43 pm, Alleman, Lowell wrote:
Not that this has anything to do with the next release of SuSE.... Sorry. I'd like to know that myself. I have a coworker who is going to be buying a copy of SuSE soon.... I hate buying a boxed version just to find out that a new version will be out in a few weeks...
I think we're now at the "just wait a bit..." point -- I recall wondering the same thing about a year ago, so I e-mailed SuSE's sales group and asked -- the response I got was that they intend to place a new release out every 6 months, which I think makes the next one in may at the latest [it happens to coincide very closely w/redhat :) ] if you go to the suse store page you'll see there is a new product you can "pre-order" for shipment mid february: their new "desktop/office" version [I believe it has the codeweaver crossover & sun's Staroffice 6 products bundled in, hence the $130 price tag] It mentions KDE 3.1, which was released what, three days ago? :) so that might explain a bit in regards to "mid feb" as a shipping date...

* Tom Emerson ( [030131 15:26]: ->On Friday 31 January 2003 1:43 pm, Alleman, Lowell wrote: ->> ->> Not that this has anything to do with the next release of SuSE.... Sorry. ->> I'd like to know that myself. I have a coworker who is going to be buying ->> a copy of SuSE soon.... I hate buying a boxed version just to find out that ->> a new version will be out in a few weeks... -> ->I think we're now at the "just wait a bit..." point -- I recall wondering the ->same thing about a year ago, so I e-mailed SuSE's sales group and asked -- ->the response I got was that they intend to place a new release out every 6 ->months, which I think makes the next one in may at the latest [it happens to ->coincide very closely w/redhat :) ] -> ->if you go to the suse store page you'll see there is a new product you can ->"pre-order" for shipment mid february: their new "desktop/office" version [I ->believe it has the codeweaver crossover & sun's Staroffice 6 products bundled ->in, hence the $130 price tag] It mentions KDE 3.1, which was released what, ->three days ago? :) so that might explain a bit in regards to "mid feb" as a ->shipping date... Well, I saw an article on IBM's Eclipse software and it suppose to be included in the next version of SuSE which the article said was slated for March. Don't quote me on this but that's what it mentioned. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- Tell me what you believe.. I'll tell you what you should see.
participants (3)
Alleman, Lowell
Ben Rosenberg
Tom Emerson