This may seem like a rant but its not. (by claiming so it must be a rant right) anyway. Is SuSE planing on sticking to non-LSB /media or will it be moving to /mnt-I have a few things I am looking at that could be affected. Thank You Dave B
David Blomber <> [12 Sep 2003 20:46:53 +0900]:
Is SuSE planing on sticking to non-LSB /media or will it be moving to /mnt
/media *was*, at least for a time, the official LSB directory (or more precise would have been). That's why we initially used it. Only LSB pulled back that decision later and left it open. But it was to late for us to change and then we left it as it is until LSB decides what the official location should be. And as long as that's the case, we'll keep on using /media. /mnt is only RedHats preferred directory. We believe that /mnt is there for the user to mount things and nothing where the system should mount things, least of all create subdirs below /mnt to mount things. Philipp
participants (2)
David Blomber
Philipp Thomas