Re: [SuSE Linux] Winner SuSE and Runner-up RH
I hope this will make others think of trying a different distribution. People need to know that Linux is not Redhat. I don't share your view that you may as well use Windows though... I've used Redhat and I prefer it over Windows. The gripe that I've heard about Redhat is that they list some Hardware as supported when they (redhat) know it isn't. Did you read the comment from the guy in the UK about how they are starting to write Redhat only programs? Thank goodness the Germans like to vote. regards Joe P.S. I did vote for S.u.S.E. ;-) ---- Begin Original Message ---- From: Sent: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 07:36:34 -0500 (EST) To: Subject: [SuSE Linux] Winner SuSE and Runner-up RH Here you go folks. The january 1999 issue of Linux Journal has the Reader's Choice Awards. On Page - 30 Favorite Linux Distribution Winner: S.u.S.E. Runner Up: Red Hat I think RH is slipping because they copy M$ 95, interface and configuration management. Might as well stay with M$ 95. Why switch to Linux? SuSE and Slackware standout as the true Linux systems. Peace on Earth. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. Subba Rao ============================================================== Disclaimer - I question and speak for myself. - To get out of this list, please send email to with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e Check out the SuSE-FAQ at <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>> and the archiv at <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>> ---- End Original Message ---- ___________________________________________________________ Get your own Web-Based E-mail Service at <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>> - To get out of this list, please send email to with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e Check out the SuSE-FAQ at <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>> and the archiv at <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>>
I have used RedHat for 6 months. It never was a fun system. Slackware will always remain my favourite. I selected SuSE, since it is the only other alternative, that is bring more releases and appears to follow the POSIX standards. I am happy with it. I found RH users don't want to think much, just as Windows users. If you want to love *nix, you have to learn to love command line interface. Expect Slackware, Debian and to some extent SuSe, maintain the old fashioned command line interface and have the SVR5 and BSD based configuration files structure. The rest are going for strictly GUI based interface, which does not appeal to me. My .02 cents. The original note and this note are not to meant to start a flame war. Subba Rao ============================================================== Disclaimer - I question and speak for myself. On Wed, 23 Dec 1998 12:35:38 -0500, Joe User wrote:
I hope this will make others think of trying a different distribution. People need to know that Linux is not Redhat. I don't share your view that you may as well use Windows
though... I've used Redhat and I prefer it over Windows. The gripe that I've heard about Redhat is that they list some Hardware as supported when they (redhat) know it isn't. Did you read the comment from the guy in the UK about how they are starting to write Redhat only programs?
Thank goodness the Germans like to vote. regards Joe
P.S. I did vote for S.u.S.E. ;-) ---- Begin Original Message ---- From: Sent: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 07:36:34 -0500 (EST) To: Subject: [SuSE Linux] Winner SuSE and Runner-up RH
Here you go folks. The january 1999 issue of Linux Journal has the Reader's Choice Awards.
On Page - 30
Favorite Linux Distribution Winner: S.u.S.E. Runner Up: Red Hat
I think RH is slipping because they copy M$ 95, interface and configuration management. Might as well stay with M$ 95. Why switch to Linux?
SuSE and Slackware standout as the true Linux systems.
Peace on Earth.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.
Subba Rao ============================================================== Disclaimer - I question and speak for myself.
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