On 11/10/06, Patrick Shanahan <ptilopteri@gmail.com> wrote:
* JJ Gitties <jj.gitties@gmail.com> [11-10-06 13:23]:
> I am migrating to Ubuntu because, the way I see it, if I am going to
> use an alternative OS to "help the little guy who is trying to make a
> difference". Then by golly, it better be a "little guy".

You are just _threatening_, or you would be gone and unsubed.....

Do it or get off the POT!

I am not kidding. My employer is a windows shop. I use linux for mostly network analysis stuff, security scanning  and the odd one of non-critical server here and there. I always made them dish out for the boxes for anything that got installed. It's a pittance compared to commerial apps and they really didn't give a hoot, and I think I did my part to help keep SUSE float. The last 10.1 box they bought is the last one they are buying until Microsoft is out of SUSE's hair. It's probably going to be a BSD or some other distro for any future deployments.

I also do a bit of consulting on the side. A lot of it is windows work, but every once is a blue moon, there is a little linux and I always pushed SUSE and the customer was happy. Same goes there. I am pushing something else from now on.

Sorry, but this is ridiculous. Why in god's bloody name should *any* money that on the surface goes to open source get re-channeled in any way to Microsoft corp.

side note: This has nothing to do with me being anti-Microsoft. I make my living from tech support. I persoanlly am too small a fish to make any recommendations to a Microsoft frieldly managers and corporate types at the top. I just do my job and collect my pay. And Microsoft products are just fine to support. They have a great site devoted to helping you support their products properly.  It's completely seperate from my Linux fandom.


"*We* need to convince OpenSUSE to fork, or let 'em die. To bad, it is a wonderful Distro. But their parent company is NOT our friend."