Janne et al,
If it boots to hard drive, it gets a GRUB 16 errror and locks up.
It will boot to CD1 but then wants to start the install all over again - I tried that.
It will not boot to CD2 but I opened that CD up on another platform and it is fine.

Janne Karhunen wrote:
On Friday 09 September 2005 19:05, Carl Hartung wrote:

If CD1 "completes" and the system resets but then will not boot to the OS
*or* from CD1 *or* from CD2, I'd say there are two problems to troubleshoot
that may be, or may not be, related.

Where exactly does the booting stop? I had just had a case in which
SUSE kernel didn't initialize with standard 8259 PIC that it was 
trying to use (ie. noapic setting). Worked fine with apic though
(ASUS A8N8x, 64bit x86-64).


"I see circle people" - Master-OWC, analyst formerly known as Run-ODM