On 4/19/23 13:57, Lew Wolfgang wrote:
Trying now. Good idea. [...] Yes, there are some losses, using WiFi.

Those Wifi losses seem a bit high, I'll have to try that here.

cer@Legolas:~> while sleep 1 ; do DATE=`date --iso=s` ; echo -n "$DATE  "  ; /usr/sbin/fping -c 100 --quiet  router ; done
2023-04-19T22:02:46+02:00  router : xmt/rcv/%loss = 100/95/5%, min/avg/max = 2.73/5.06/30.4
2023-04-19T22:04:27+02:00  router : xmt/rcv/%loss = 100/97/3%, min/avg/max = 2.61/4.82/34.8
2023-04-19T22:06:08+02:00  router : xmt/rcv/%loss = 100/100/0%, min/avg/max = 2.15/7.35/112
2023-04-19T22:07:48+02:00  router : xmt/rcv/%loss = 100/100/0%, min/avg/max = 2.71/4.27/38.6
2023-04-19T22:09:29+02:00  ^Crouter : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/2/0%, min/avg/max = 3.47/3.79/4.12

Small loses, AFAIK the problem is router ←→ SW2. Notice the strangeness that SW1 is in the middle, but pings from a machine connected on SW1 pinging the router seem not to be affected (recollection say they were affected when the technician looked).

I just tried fping to my Asus WiFi router from a HP laptop and got better
numbers.  The router is located about 12-meters away with a number
of walls and furniture in the way. : xmt/rcv/%loss = 100/100/0%, min/avg/max = 0.03/0.05/0.07

Notice the round-trip packet times though!  You've got 112-msec max!  My packet
times are more than three-orders of magnitude less than yours!  IIRC NM reported
62% signal strength when it connected.  Do you have access to another WiFi
hub that you could plug in temporarily for testing?

My WiFi router is fed from my Zyxel router/firewall which is fed from my
Motorola DOCIS 3.1 cable modem, not that it makes any difference here.
