On 2023-04-17 17:52, Carlos E. R. wrote:
Why two, what's the difference?

The question should be why ONLY two.  I get 2^72 addresses from mine.  Yep, a gazillion addresses!  Even my cell phone gets 2^64 addresses.  As for two, check again tomorrow and the next day, etc.  If they're using SLAAC, you get in addition to a consistent address, up to 7 privacy addresses, with a new one every day.  The global dynamic address is your consistent address and may be based on your MAC address.  The other one is a privacy address.  Are you connecting directly to your ISP?  Or through a router that supports IPv6?  If a router, you may have more than 1 /64 available.  I have 256.  You can split off the /64s to different networks.  For example, I have 1 for my guest WiFi, in addition to my main LAN.

BTW, I run pfSense for my firewall/router and it supports multiple /64s.  If my modem was in gateway mode, I'd only get a single /64.