On 4/10/24 23:43, Masaru Nomiya wrote:

In the Message; 

  Subject    : SOT: Thunderbird and AOL
  Message-ID : <1a878bad-bbd6-4b25-b070-b6c437d8a625@ieee.org>
  Date & Time: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 22:49:33 -0500

[JT] == Jeffrey Taylor via openSUSE Users <users@lists.opensuse.org> has written:

JT>  My wife uses Thunderbird on Windows 11 for her e-mail.  She uses
JT>  the free AOL mail.  For decades.  Today, it stopped allowing
JT>  outgoing mail.  She called AOL help line.  Some one using a
JT>  script who didn't really understand whats going on.  After she
JT>  exhausted her script she started a hard sell for a paid plan.  It
JT>  appears to be only $4.99 a month.  I'm unclear if subscribing,
JT>  3rd party e-mail clients  are supported.  The $4.99 paid plan,
JT>  2-step verification with a 6 digit code in a text message, or an
JT>  app password.  Does anyone have experience with any of these?

I have no experience, but I would check the log first;


Best Regards.

I think either 2-step authentication was required or AOL had a glitch. I enable 2-step authentication.  Logged into the Website.  Text message arrived with a verification code.  Plugged the number in.  Then went back to using Thunderbird to read and write e-mails and it worked.  Continued to work after logging out of the Website.

Thank you all for the help,
  Jeffrey and Janelle