In fact I tried to install W32CODEC but with no sucess.
I download from packman and I used Installer (click right button and put psw for root). But I got error message: no file found.
What could be ?

---[ mensagem original ]---
de: Günter Lichtenberg []
data: 28-09-2006 20:25:39 2
para: [];
assunto: Re: [opensuse] Howto enable mpg ou wmv files on 10.1

On Thursday 28 September 2006 18:03, Joao Paulo Pires wrote:
> On other distros I've already used XINE and MPlayer.
> On this one (10.0) I've used both and Kaffeine with no problem.
> But since some time ago none of this work.
> In fact Kaffeine pop-up some missing files.
> I use Kaffeine because it comes with this distro (at Rome do like romans). 
> I will try unistall all players, install w32codecs and install MPlayer.
> If necessary I will  make file associations in KDE for MPlayer.
> Joao.

Hi -
did you also install libxine1 (also from packman) as opposed to the package
xine-lib provided by SUSE? Kaffeine should work after that - I at least have
never problems except with some wmv files of the latest flavour - which
probably has more to do with the fact that there are no LInux w32 codecs

Gnter Lichtenberg ========>
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