Am 02.03.24 um 08:30 schrieb Masaru Nomiya:
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Subject : Re: a bit OT: how to GIMP:open as layers from dolphin Message-ID : <21453eee-b4a8-4b35-95cd-994da42610f8@daniel-bauer.com> Date & Time: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 12:51:50 +0100
[DB] == Daniel Bauer <linux@daniel-bauer.com> has written:
DB> Am 01.03.24 um 12:04 schrieb Masaru Nomiya:
[...] DB> > Haven't you installed kimageformats?
DB> It is installed, but that doesn't give a menu entry in dolphin to DB> open files as layers in Gimp.
1. Can you use gimp itself?
Yes, yes, there is no problem at all, everything works perfect. I can open any image in Gimp from dolphin, I just can't open various files "as layers" from dolphin. That's all. I just don't know if (and if, how) it is possible to make this function of gimp ("open as layers") available in dolphin's context menu. (explain: selecting various files in dolphin -> open with -> Gimp naturally opens each file in a separate Gimp window, which is correct; interesting for me would be an additional context-menu-entry "open as layers in Gimp" in dolphin which will open all selected files as layers in only one window, just as when you use Gimp's menu "open as layers", but I don't know how to achieve that or if it is even possible When I work through a large list of various versions of photos that I want to combine, it's very practical to do it from dolphin, because the selected files remain selected in dolphin while I work the image in Gimp. Then I can just select the next ones in the dolphin list. While when I use Gimp's menu, I have to scroll down the file list from the beginning each time, and also have to remember which one was the last I already edited... )
2. What's the result of;
$ ldd /usr/bin/dolphin | grep "not found"
nothing :-) -- Daniel Bauer photographer Basel Málaga Twitter: @Marsfotografo (often explicit nudes) https://www.patreon.com/danielbauer https://www.daniel-bauer.com (nudes)