After the lightning bolixed up all the computers, I bought a cheap refurb that had Windows10 Home on it. I decided to make

a partition for OpenSUSE Leap 15.3.  I used gparted to shrink windows and make a partition for Leap 15.3. I downloaded the

latest version and installed it. It seems to have wiped out Windows and created for itself something that must be related

to hell. Most of the apps that I could download and install on a version from last Fall are gone and unfindable, When I

placed the few that I could find on the desktop, when I rebooted they were gone. So was Windows.The only thing I could do

that remained was to get rid of the ugly stock desktop and replace it with something pleasant. I have used Linux for

almost 20 years, and I really don't understand Windows, on a partially working machine, or want to, but I'm having to use

it until I find a new Linux. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? It's like KDE is GONE!

The folks here on the mailing lists have been more than helpful to me, and I am grateful to them, but now I will have to

find something--probably Mint with a KDE overlay--that I can live with. I will really miss the root version of Dolphin.

Written from a badly damaged Windows computer (that has a usable Leap 15 on it) but still reads and sends mail on an

ugly app from (Claws mail I never got to work.)
