On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 14:02, Karol Pietrzak wrote:
Your directory structure is similar to mine. Just to find out, I deleted everything. Still fine...
If you are using things like ssh-agent you probably want to leave things like (directory) ssh-???????? alone. When you reboot your box, you can safely in the reboot process remove anything in /tmp. Compare with tmpfs which is a "virtual" filesystem. When you reboot, anything stored in /tmp is gone.
Judging from your listing, you can delete -everything-. Is you're not sure, just rename it and leave it alone for a little bit. If all's ok after that, delete it.
Deleting things in /tmp while the system is running can cause problems unless what you deleting is known to you and you know it isn't used. Compilers tend to use space in /tmp to store temporary files etc. HTH, -- Anders Karlsson <anders.karlsson@meansolutions.com> Trudheim Technology Ltd. - AIX and Linux System Administrator PGP Usage Strongly Advised!! My Key ID = 4B20601A Fingerprint = 1B11 2F8C CBD6 7E53 E246 B23B 2D8C B0AA 4B20 601A