On 11/10/06, John Andersen <jsa@pen.homeip.net> wrote:
On Friday 10 November 2006 19:29, Arie Reynaldi Z wrote:
> JJ, you're not answering Sloan's question. He asked cause you're being
> double standart. You accept using windows for a living, but you wont
> allow Novell get more money from MS...

Wake up.  Its not about the money.

You are absolutely right. It's not about the money. I about the principle. Money from the sale of open source is going to a company that is not contibuting to open source. And not only that, they seem hostile and completely against open source.

I went to a MS seminar for IT guys not even a year ago at a MS office. It was supposed to be  about "the future of the OS". I went hoping to hear something about what to expect with Vista and what new innovations they are forseeing in the OS's in the future. Anyways, the whole thing turned out to be a big waste of my time. It was  a glorified "Get The Facts" seminar where they MS guys proceeded to try to convince everyone in the audience that Linux and open source is a joke. It's a flawed system and anyone who deploys it is crazy. And now they are taking a cut of SUSE sales.


"*We* need to convince OpenSUSE to fork, or let 'em die. To bad, it is a wonderful Distro. But their parent company is NOT our friend."