Le mardi 22 novembre 2005 à 11:18 +0000, Fergus Wilde a écrit :

As well as that excellent idea, you might also want to use 'find' for a 
different view of the situation. If /tmp is on its own partition, try on 
that.  Something like:

find /tmp -size +5000k 

for example will find and list any file in /tmp bigger than 5 megabytes.

The nice thing about find is that you can add other criteria, and execute 
commands on the file set. You could (though perhaps you shouldn't in this 
case until you've at least looked to see what kind of files they are) do 
something like 

find /tmp -size +5000k -exec mv {} ~/bigfiles/ \;

which would grab those large files and move them to 'bigfiles' if you wanted 
to use that directory as a holding area. There's the caveat that if you 
wanted to put them back exactly where you found them it might be fiddly, in 
that find will have recursed through the /tmp directory hierarchy. But if you 
want to, you can use -maxdepth to control how many levels of subdirectory 
find will drill down into. Man find has the details.


Thanks to Eddie and everyone !!

The fact was that GNUMP3D gave me a 3.3 Gbits error_log file

Thanks for all your advices
I love this list ;)
Laurent Renard