From: kastus@tsoft.com Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 12:36:48 -0800 Message-ID: <20001129123648.A1054@fizia.local> Subject: Re: [SLE] OpenSSH For SuSE ?? On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 02:29:25PM -0600, Linux News User wrote:
Hi from where I can download the SSH Files (for the server and client) for SuSE 6.4 and for SuSE 7.x, and also... is there any vrs. doc between OpenSSH and Data Fellows SSH ?
You may find RPMs at a non-US mirror, like ftp.gwdg.de. It's OpenSSH 2.1.1 (not so sure about last digit), client and server both in one package. I've built RPM of OpenSSH 2.3.0 on SuSE 6.4, if you're interested. I don't know what's different between OpenSSH and DataFellows SSH. -Kastus
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