Wed, 19 Apr 2023 20:20:03 -0500 "David C. Rankin" <> :
On 4/19/23 18:33, bent fender wrote:
Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:47:11 -0000 "stefan wannemacher" <> :
Have you enabled the libvirtd service to run on systemstart? There was a change in the libvirtd-daemon package when it was updated to 9.1.0, the package was divided into several single packages. I got hit by the same issue and I had to re-enable to service to run automatically.
sudo systemctl start libvirtd
did it, thanks. Now virt-manager also requires root pwd, which I suppose is normal, but which it didn't before.
Should this be a part of launching VM i.e. to check if it's running and start it if not?
To configure for access as a normal user, see the "Configuration" section of:
It's a 'disputed' doc, tried it anyway but it didn't change having to enter root pwd. Not a problem, Yast needs a root pwd too. I'm trying to compose a Suse-KVM-Win11 how2 while at it, I get as far as launching virt-manager and creating a "New VM" with only two other minor stumbles up to that point - having to manually start virt-manager - when done creating, having to also manually start the 'virtual network' (1 click button) So I create a new Win11 virtual machine with the 5/5 steps, on the last page (5) I check the box that says "Customize configuration before instatall" BEFORE continuing with "Finish" which leads to necessairly clicking "Start Virtual Network". I think it's at this point that I'd need to set up TPM as well as Secure-Boot and the "Add Hardware" button in the following and large Prefconfiguration dialog does have a TPM entry with (presumably) good defaults: (Emulated/CRB/Hypervisor default). But how do I set up SecureBoot on this precofig page? Once past TPM/SB bit is when the real cathouse will begin with the rest of the "Pre-Configuration" page which I think will need a LOT of reading/guidance.