On 8/10/24 15:07, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
On 10.08.2024 20:51, Mark Hounschell wrote:

There is only one SRPM.

#rpm -qf /lib/libncursesw.so.6

Then why did the build I did not include the building of
libncurses6-32bit-6.1-150000.5.24.1.x86_64? That rpm is where
/lib/libncursesw.so.6 comes from.

#rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/SPECS/ncurses.spec

is the command used.

Because rpmbuild defaults to building RPM for the same architecture as your host. The libncurses6-32bit is actually built as libncurses6 for i386 (or whatever exact architecture is used) and then imported into 64 bit repository under the name libncurses6-32bit.

So you are saying that they took the ncurses-6.1-150000.5.24.1.src.rpm and built it on a 32 bit platform? What OS is running on that 32 bit platform? Obviously not any recent leap as 32 bit support has been null for some time.
