Thanks for the suggestion!, I'm aiming at Katello because I need The Foreman to cover other needs.


On Sat, Jul 3, 2021, 03:28 Rodney Baker <> wrote:
On Saturday, 3 July 2021 4:38:20 AM ACST Ciro Iriarte wrote:
> Hello!,
> In an isolated environment I would like to avoid VMs accessing
> Internet directly to grab updates. I'll probably create a local mirror
> with The Foreman + Katello, but meanwhile I'll force the use of an
> HTTP proxy.
> The proxy I'm using (embedded in OPNsense) allows dynamic whitelists,
> where the firewall can grab the list from an URL. Are there official
> repositories lists for OpenSUSE that I could use to feed it?.
> Regards,
> CI.-

Look at apt-cacher-ng - it was originally designed for Debian-based distros
but also works with zypper (the documentation shows how to configure zypper
repos to retrieve via the proxy). It caches all downloads locally, meaning the
second and subsequent downloads come from the local cached copy instead of
being downloaded multiple times, and only the proxy needs direct internet
access (which can also be via an http/https proxy if desired).

There are openSUSE packages available for it, so it can be installed with
zypper. It will work out of the box with minimal to no custom config, unless
you want to configure it to use an upstream proxy.

I'm using it at home and at work for both Debian and Leap/TW machines (VM's
and physical machines) so I know it works.


Rodney Baker