Ricardo Rodríguez
XEN, Resources Management>>> Masaru Nomiya<nomiyac360@mg.point.ne.jp> 23/7/2006 10:55 >>>

>>>>> In the Message: [suse-linux-e ML: No.277611]
>>>>>   with the date of Sun, 23 Jul 2006 00:32:38 -0800
>>>>> [John] == John Andersen <jsa@pen.homeip.net> has written:

John> Is it too much to ask that a package work?

>Don't you think so?

John> How would you like it if you pulled into the station and asked the attendant
John> to check the oil, and he suggested you should be driving a Datsun instead
John> of a Subaru (or whatever).

John> Advise like this is not helpful. 

>Yes. but he says as follows;

>In the Message;

  Subject    : [SLE] Re: SLED 10 and multimedia files
  Message-ID : <20060722T133744Z_C5AC00020000@xen.net>
  Date & Time: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 13:37:44 +0200

[Ricardo] == "Ricardo Rodríguez - XEN" <rrodriguez@xen.net> has written:

Ricardo> It is far clear that I'm completely new to Linux!
>BTW. is this;

>    http://www.gnome.org/projects/totem/

>give you a solution? > Ricardo

  Masaru Nomiya       mail-to: nomiyac360 @ mg.point.ne.jp

          "Bill! You married with Computers.
           Not with Me!"
          "No..., with money."

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Oops! No bad feelings! OK, I've not asked about an alternative to Totem, but, as a newcomer, any information is welcome! I'm trying to use Totem just because it is included with SLED 10. And some browsing has shown me that it could work, But it doesn't. Ot at least not yeat!
So, Masaru Nomiya, thanks for your inputs. I'll will try to catch up with Totem, as I'm new to Linux, I'm new to Totem as well! And give it a try to MPlayer.
But I have to agree with John at an important point, I think: is it too much to ask that a package work? Ok, I'm sure I have not got the Linux's point yet, but it is a bit boring to see how difficult seems to run a AVI file. At least working with my plain-old Toshiba.
All the best,