On 2023-04-28 15:11, Lew Wolfgang wrote:
One thing I've noticed is many complaints about IPv6 come from people who don't know what they're talking about.  I have been using it for 13 years and it was also covered when I got my CCNA. I first read about it in the April 1995 issue of Byte magazine.

Do you have multiple independent subnets with a /64?  That's what
I couldn't get working with a Zyxel router.

I have no experience withZyxel.  I currently use prefix ID 0 for my main LAN, 3 for guest WiFi, 4 for my test LAN, 5 for my Cisco router and ff for my VPN.  That leaves me with only 251 free /64s.  😉

Byte!  I sure do miss it, and Jerry Pournelle too.  I've still got an
issue or two hiding around here somewhere.

I have every paper issue of Byte on the shelf behind me, going back to Vol. 1 #1, Sept. 1975, which I bought in person, from the original publisher, Wayne Greene, at a Radio Society of Ontario ham fest in Ottawa, Ont. back in 1975.