I'm trying to read my 3 email accounts into 1 local user account on my SuSe 7.0 box.  I have in /etc/aliases:

email1:         localuser
email2:         localuser
email3:         localuser

        Then my localuser's .fetchmailrc file looks like so:

poll mail.isp.com with proto POP3 username email1 and wants mda "/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -f %F %T"
poll mail.isp.com with proto POP3 username email2 and wants mda "/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -f %F %T"
poll mail.isp.com with proto POP3 username email3 and wants mda "/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -f $F $T"

        My problem is that sometimes I get sendmail errors on either the email3, or email2 and email3, accounts.  Of course occasionally they all work.  I don't have the exact error in front of me, but it's sendmail complaining about requiring the -f option to be used.  I thought I was specifying the "-f" option.  I believe my sendmail.cf file is ultimately calling procmail, but maybe I should just call procmail directly from .fetchmairc.  Any ideas on what the problem is?
