Hi all,

I am exploring using a Google image database (https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/index.html)  to train a local YOLO/Darknet neural network.

As it contains 1.9 million images, I obviously need to be selective about the things I want to train for. So I was looking at the suggested FiftyOne application (https://docs.voxel51.com/index.html). Looks promising. Except I cannot run it. I get an error that mongod (which I guess is a MongoDB access daemon) cannot be found. I recognize the name. But I have not used it.

I searched on OBS to see if it is available. All I see are some user packages that are all failing. This surprised me as I would have thought MongoDB was a big thing in the Python world. And SUSE do support Python.

My questions are:

Is anyone using MongoDB on openSUSE, especially Tumbleweed? If so, where did you find it?

I looked at building MongoDB and saw this odd requirement (https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/master/docs/building.md):

"About 13 GB of free disk space for the core binaries (mongod, mongos, and mongo) and about 600 GB for the install-all target."

A typo? They meant MB instead of GB? BTW, it is specifically mongod that FiftyOne complains about. There is no populated database when building and installing it. So what on earth can require 600GB?

As an aside, I was just introduced to the Python 3.11 feature that does not like one to mix using zypper and pip. I prefer zypper as it maintains things as part of my regular updating. And so that method is enabled by default. The complaint is about an 'externally-managed-environment'. To be honest it makes sense. I have always wondered how mixing zypper and pip would work. My solution was to make a Python virtual environment for this. And that uses pip because FiftyOne seems only available via pip.

TIA for any pointers.

Roger Oberholtzer