Carlos E. R. wrote:
About a month or so ago the police arrested a gang that made a sophisticated device to put on top of bank on the wall holes or however you call them. You know, you push your car into a slot, you type your pin, and you get your money. Well, the trick is to put a fake reader on top of the legitimate reader so well designed that you don't notice. Plus, they place a miniature web camera pointing at the keyboard to read your pin. Later, they remove both and retrieve the data, or they already got the data through a radio link. Later, they use the data to duplicate the credit cards, and finally, they separate you from your money.
Well, this gang manufactured so good devices that they did an extra business out of selling the devices... This is not SciFi, it is happening. My father was stolen 1200 eur this way. And it is a sophisticated method.
That's apparently happened more than once in the U.S. In another scam, the perpetrator went so far as to set up an entire fake ATM in a mall. It skimmed card data and PIN numbers, which he'd then come back and download to a laptop later, in the guise of doing maintenance on the machine. He was eventually caught when someone complained to the mall management about the ATM that always seemed to be out of cash. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: