I'm seeing a sole console message during splash=silent boots. The

message is a number in square brackets, for example [ 5.299369].

The value is always padded with leading spaces and is roughly in the

range 5.* to 6.*. It appears some time between the boot splash and

X11/sddm startup. This makes me suspect it could be something like

the seconds from boot to login prompt.

If I switch from sddm to a console, I can see the same message just

above the "Welcome to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed..."

Is everyone seeing such a message?

On a related issue, I also see "eth0: <ipv4-address> <mac-address>"

just below the "Welcome to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed...". Is that new, I

can't say I'd noticed that before.

No big deal, just a bit curious.

BTW - I'm using the proprietary Nvidia driver, which might make my

bootup messages a bit different than the norm.
