Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007, Sandy Drobic wrote:
local_only = reject_unlisted_recipient permit_auth_destination reject
This Solved the problem.
The difference to "reject_unauth_destination" is, that permit_auth_destination will stop the evaluation of the checks and permit the requests while reject_unauth_destination (like mouss suggested) will only reject relay attempts and otherwise continue with the checks behind reject_unauth_destination. So the mail could still be rejected for other reasons like greylisting, RBLs etc. It is also the reason why I suggested reject_unlisted_recipient first to make sure that the recipient is valid before accepting the mail with permit_auth_destination. -- Sandy List replies only please! Please address PMs to: news-reply2 (@) japantest (.) homelinux (.) com -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: