Download latest driver from: Select correct driver Install driver in /TEMP/run-files Reboot to init 3 cd /lib/modules/3.7.1-16-desktop/build/include/ ( a 'ls' should show no file or directory named linux and two directories called generated and config and a 'ls generated/uapi/linux' should show version.h ) ln -s generated/uapi/linux After that a 'ls linux' should show version.h ***************** NVIDIA driver installation 1: cd to /TEMP/run-files 2: Dependencies: gcc, make, kernel-devel 3: Install driver: Log out of GUI & log into console as root at # prompt enter: sh ./NVIDIA-****.run (driver filename) modprobe nvidia rcxdm start 4: Blacklist nouveau echo "blacklist nouveau" >> /etc/modprobe.d/50-blacklist.conf add "modeset.nouveau=0" to /boot/grub/menu.lst kernel parameters line 5: Configure NVIDIA driver: nvidia-settings