> From: Mark Kessler [mailto:markkessler@achundkrach.de]
> 2. I also installed an apache server on the linux computer to
> be accessed
> from the internal network. It works fine but now I want to
> acess the server
> by typing just the name of the computer in the url line of the client
> computer (e.b. 'tux' which is the name of the computer)
> instead of using
> the IP adress. What is the most direct way to accomplish this without
> configuring each client pc? Installing a dns server?

Under /etc is a file called hosts, in there make sure you have the name of your computer listed correctly with the internal ip address (not just  I think this is all you should need to be able to address your computer that way.

do a 'man hosts' to find out the exact syntax for the file.
