16 Dec
16 Dec
Hey guys - The other day I installed the k_athl.*.rpm kernels on my AMD Duron boxes with SuSE 8.0. Last night, I picked up a copy of SuSE 8.1 Professional at Borders after I noticed they put the wrong price tag on it (got it for $12.95! woohoo!) and I upgraded a test Intel box. Everything went ok. My question is.. will the SuSE 8.1 installer overwrite the k_athl kernels? I noticed that it did flag software in red if it noticed a newer version was installed. I'd like to know if it does the same thing with the kernels as well. I like the kernels found in the suse.com/pub/people/mantel/next directory. They've been working great and I don't want to mess up too much. :) Thanks! -Jonathan