On 4/28/21 5:01 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 28/04/2021 21.48, Doug McGarrett wrote:

On 4/28/21 2:33 PM, Doug McGarrett wrote:

On 4/28/21 8:32 AM, Carlos E. R. wrote:


I guess I messed up again. It occurs to me that even if I could get to the actual files from the Thunar desktop--
which, at the moment, I can't--what would I do with them? I don't see a

means of saving them off to some
disk or stick. Whereas the Windows routine allows me to actually put the file onto a directory in the
Windows system. I'm sorry to be so obtuse, but I'm pretty much snowed here.

Well, if you are using an USB stick for the rescue system you can save those files in the stick, if they are not big.

Otherwise, plug in an external hard disk used for backups. Or another big enough USB stick. Or another partition in the hard disk that you know you are not going to destroy or format.

You may even write them to the windows partition (not sure of this, though).
OK. I have not been able to get a single solitary file from this Thunar directory. It does not see inside any of the
widgets it shows. You're right about wasting money on the Windows app. All I got was a humongously long password,
but nothing additional! But at least it was able to see a few files, probably from the original /home/documents. And one
picture! All that for free. The additional payment produced zip.

Since you have this app on your system, have you tried to open one of the widgets and find something you added to
the system? If so, what is the magic trick to do so? For instance, the Windows app produced a series of files saved in
Kate--most of which are of very minor value, but IT WORKED. I ought to be able to get those same files via Thunar,
since I know they exist. But no.
