Dear Patrick,

This sounds very much like a comms issue with your modem.

Please tel us if this is a NEW problem or has it just started and if just started 'what has changed comms and ISP wise'

The particular setting in the modem (and I assume your are on ADSL or DSLAM) is the keep alive option. Depending on the ISP they will tell you if you need it on or off.
Mostly it is OFF. Keep Alive when not expected by your ISP will disconnect you after an idle period of time when this feature activates.

Check with your ISP, but firstly check the setting in the Modem Manual.

I may be able to help you IF your ISP wants you to change this option and you are not happy to alter settings in your Modem at last resort, however the most crucial question is above


On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 23:15 -0500, Kenneth Schneider wrote:
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 15:00 -0700, John Meyer wrote:
> Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> >
> >   
> If I knew why the Internet is disconnecting (network Comcast cable) when
> my computer screen shuts off, I wouldn't be posting.  All I know is that
> when I move my mouse and the screen turns back on, sometimes (usually 2
> hours or greater), my Internet is disconnected.

I have the same problem with my laptop using a linksys pcmcia wireless
card on 10.1B1. The onboard ethernet card does not have this problem.