    I was wondering if anyone had a problem installing thier cable modems in suse
7.1 professional.  I searched the archives and found two helpful posts, but to no avail.  The tech support down here seems to be a "windows only" staff....
anyways,  i used yast, as per instructions in the book, and everything seemed to
work smoothly.   But nothing worked, telnet, ftp, netscape, nada...
ifconfig shows the device running and up, but no ip address....I can ping charter.net and send packets, but get an error "server returned unrecognized response. cannot find default server.
I've tried using a fixed ip, but even that failed,,,,,,
the cable modem is supplied by surfboard, a sb4100(pci 0xE000 irq 10). which is piped throught an
ne 2000 compatible ether card.
On boot up or restart it keeps telling me the dhcp client failed, so i called "tech" to see if i needed to setup relay servers, but they said no.
I would appreciate any help or ideas on how to get this beast running, I hate having
to download reboot, mount and copy...
Please, desperate,