On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 23:10, Marco Oliveira wrote:
"... If a Linux-user runs always as root, the security advantage of the Unix model disappears - and it's no safer than Windows.
You don't do that, do you?..."
No i don't. I use my own user to work. Don't work with root.
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 22:54, you wrote:
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 15:33, Marco Oliveira wrote:
Hi there, i have some questions about virus and linux, can you help me ?
1 - I would like to know if linux is affected by windows virus and worms ? 2 - I would like to know it is possible to write and make a virus that somehow works in linux ? 3 - should i fell threatened by virus that possible exists in the internet ? 4 - how many virus exists and works in for the linux ? 5 - What kind of protection could i use (Anti-Virus software) ? 6 - Is linux somehow better developed in a way that is very difficult to write virus and worms?
IIRC, Linux - and Unices in general are less suceptible to viruses than is MS Windows because of the security model.
On a typical Windows box, each user is effectively running as root. An rougue executable running with the priviledges of this user can easily complomise the entire system.
In the Unix-type model, rougue executables can only access/infect the parts of the system to which the user which executed them has access.
If a Linux-user runs always as root, the security advantage of the Unix model disappears - and it's no safer than Windows.
You don't do that, do you?
There are other factors involved, but this is, perhaps the most important.
I haven't known of (m)any W32 viruses actually able to run under wine and cause damage but if a system running Windows is infected, if that said program makes attempts to delete files from systems connected to that particular sys, you're at risk, you could always chmod things appropriately and only allow reading. you can't guard for every eventuality but I wouldn't recommend running Outlook on a Linux box, there's things like evolution so the best advice is to use native progs wherever possible. --------------------------------- Olipro - GTA Global <Olipro@GTAGlobal.net>