Am 19.01.24 um 10:09 schrieb Andrei Borzenkov:
>> (Converted from a deb package by alien version 8.95.6.)
>> %files
>> "/usr/local/bin/NcomToCsv.exe"
>> "/usr/local/bin/navsolve-cmd"
>> %dir "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/"
>> "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/NAVsolveNetCore"
>> "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/NAVsolveNetCore.deps.json"
>> "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/NAVsolveNetCore.dll"
>> "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/NAVsolveNetCore.pdb"
>> "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/NAVsolveNetCore.runtimeconfig.json"
>> "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/OxTS.NetCore.Utilities.dll"
>> "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/OxTS.NetCore.Utilities.pdb"
>> %dir "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/ref/"
>> "/usr/local/share/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/ref/NAVsolveNetCore.dll"
>> %dir "/usr/share/doc/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/"
>> %dir "/usr/share/doc/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/copyright/"
>> "/usr/share/doc/navsolve-cmd_1.2.1_amd64/copyright/LICENSE.txt"
> I don't see where the .spec file specifies a dependency for this. Is the rpm program
looking inside the .rpm and coming up with dependencies?
Yes, rpmbuild calls plugins to generate a list of dependencies. For
Mono there is such plugin (I do not know how you create your RPM so I
do not know if it is actually used):
> I did not think it did that. So where are they coming from?
Hard to tell without verbose RPM build log, but you may check the above script.
i think, the dependency is not in the RPM but in the navsolve config.
i think in the file NAVsolveNetCore.runtimeconfig.json
and/or NAVsolveNetCore.deps.json you should be able to find the .net version dependency.
and maybe there is a hard/fix dependency to .net 6.0 configured.
NAVsolveNetCore.deps.json contains:
"runtimeTarget": {
"name": ".NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0",
"signature": ""
"compilationOptions": {},
"targets": {
".NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0": {
"NAVsolveNetCore/1.0.0": {
"dependencies": {
"OxTS.NetCore.Utilities": "1.0.0"
"runtime": {
"NAVsolveNetCore.dll": {}
"OxTS.NetCore.Utilities/1.0.0": {
"runtime": {
"OxTS.NetCore.Utilities.dll": {}
"libraries": {
"NAVsolveNetCore/1.0.0": {
"type": "project",
"serviceable": false,
"sha512": ""
"OxTS.NetCore.Utilities/1.0.0": {
"type": "project",
"serviceable": false,
"sha512": ""
NAVsolveNetCore.runtimeconfig.json contains:
"runtimeOptions": {
"tfm": "net6.0",
"framework": {
"name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",
"version": "6.0.0"
"configProperties": {
"System.Reflection.Metadata.MetadataUpdater.IsSupported": false
I need to contact the supplier to see what their real intention is. I tried changing the "version" to something like to see if it had any effect. It did not.