> yesterday evening I copied some files from my USB 2.0 MP3 Player
> (Arcjos
> AV380) to the desktop.
> Unfortunately, I was quiet surprised by the speed I got of this action.
> a hdparm -t /dev/sdc showed it would copy at 1MB / sec (which is about
> USB 1.1), while I'm quiet sure I was using the USB 2.0 ports of the
> computer (tried different ports, and the board only HAS 2.0 ports.
> Is there anything I missed in tweaking / loading USB 2.0 support?
> ok, I admit, the mainboard (Asus P5LD2 Deluxe) I have already gave me
> some surprises when installing Linux (I wanted to activate RAID0 over
> two discs, as the board should support RAID, but the installer detected
> a software raid).
> Thanks for some advises,
> Dominique