Hi all,

don't miss to participate at this year's openSUSE survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=E93z30BzP6FRP2V_2bpx73qA_3d_3d and tell us how you use openSUSE, what's good or not so good about it or what you'd like to see in future releases. In seeing how you're using your computer we can improve openSUSE to match better your needs. The results will be published shortly after the end of the survey at: http://en.opensuse.org/UX - the page of our usability experts where already some other surveys and information with regards of usability are displayed.

The survey will be online till Aug 31st and we raffle under all participants some openSUSE t-shirts and caps. So, don't miss the survey and hava a lot of fun!


Michael Löffler, Product Management

SUSE LINUX Products GmbH - Nürnberg - AG Nürnberg - HRB 16746 - GF: Markus Rex